the NICE man!

Lee Wai Hou
Nickname: Why How
Nan Hua High School
Anderson Junior College
First Ever Cry: 30th March 1990
Horoscope: Aries



Thanks to YOONG MEILIN who helped me did the blog!
Brushes: MissM
Application: Adobe Photoshop
Imagehosting: Imageshack.Us



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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My life has been filled with disasters and I remembered my secondary school art teacher telling me to change every disaster into a piece of art. At that point of time, my mind conjured an image of me applying the sentence “change every disaster into a piece of art” into my life. Apparently, I don’t have the ability to do so and label a disaster as “Beautiful Disaster” which is to change a disaster to my advantage or probably to dispel the effects of the disaster. The most I can do is to minimize the effects. Disasters mainly meant, me making mistakes in my life and sometimes it’s grave, sometimes it’s minor. Mistakes are inevitably part and parcel of life, the only solution is to try to make up for it and not to repeat it. This probably is the best I can do to achieve a “Beautiful Disaster”.

That’s why I chose “Beautiful Disaster” as the theme and also the template for my blog.

Now talking about my own, I have been doing calligraphy since I was in Secondary 1 and taichi (a type of martial arts) since I was in Secondary 3. These two interests of mine, to people, are for old people, but yet it was enriching to me in terms of the cultivation of mind. However, I have stopped doing calligraphy and thereby focusing on taichi now. I have been on it for the THIRD year now, a great achievement as taichi is quite a boring martial arts and is a type of SLOW martial arts and in the beginning, a great amount of perseverance is needed. People might think I am crazy as on why am I wasting time doing this type of martial arts since most of the people practicing are old people. Well, a surge of interest just gave me the urge to do it. My life has been the same as learning taichi. I needed perseverance to live on in spite of setbacks, examinations, separations and etc. But I slowed down my pace, and look at the people and the world around me, then I realized my perseverance to live on is nothing as compared to the people who are suffering in poverty, civil wars etc,yet clinging on to glimpses of hopes that one day their sufferings will end. So what can I complain about life? Instead of complaining, just treasure the moment we have in the company of our family and friends!


The Art Of Wai Hou posted @ 8:09 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

This is obviously Mr Lee Wai Hou here and this blog is dedicated to my General Paper homework. This is quite OMG. I guess my actual homework entry should be out by next wednesday which is to talk about myself. Mr Peter Herd is my General Paper tutor and he is quite an interesting guy with a great sense of humor.


The Art Of Wai Hou posted @ 11:45 PM